Tree Management

Our expertise in urban forest management spans the breadth of arboriculture and urban forestry.  Our projects range from small privately held properties to helping large public agencies evaluate and manage their urban forest.


Our specialties within urban forest management include:


Tree management on golf courses


When strategically placed and maintained, trees provide a structural foundation to the game of golf. HortScience works with numerous golf courses to integrate tree management with turf and course management. We strive to maximize the benefits trees provide and minimize the problems they can create. 


View Golf Course Tree Management projects

Browse Publications




Quantifying benefits of trees


Using a tree inventory and cost:benefit analysis, we quantify the environmental benefits of the urban forest. In addition, we can make projections for how cost:benefits may change over time. This information can help communities demonstrate the monetary value of the urban forest, justify budgets, or compare vegetation with impacts of a new landscape. 





Urban forest management plans


The long-term goal of urban forest management is sustainability: securing the ecological, social, and economic benefits of trees. 


Our comprehensive sustainability assessment program includes:

  • Defining goals and desired outcomes
  • Evaluating tree resource
  • Preparing management plans and specifications

Our aim is to produce a practical management plan - a working guide for scheduling, implementing, and contracting work over the short and long term.


The Association of Bay Area Government identifies an Urban Forest management Plan as an important risk management best practice. HortScience has extensive experience in developing urban forest and risk management plans.


View Urban Forest Management projects

Browse Publications


Municipal urban forestry programs


HortScience helps communities evaluate, implement, resolve, and improve tree planting and management programs.  We work with community citizens, agency staff, elected officials, and businesses to craft realistic, effective solutions.







Tree Appraisal


Landscape trees add value to properties. When appraising tree value, we employ the standard methods in Guide for Plant Appraisal, prepared by the council of Tree and landscape Appraisers. By taking appropriate measurements, evaluating tree health and structural condition, assessing the contribution and suitability of the tree to the site, and applying standard formulas we arrive at a monetary value. The value can be used to establish loss and replacement costs.


View Tree Appraisal projects

Browse Publications 

Committed to promoting healthy, sustainable urban forests.

Bartlett Tree Experts

HortScience is now a division of Bartlett Tree Experts. We are supported by the Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories and its team of scientists and technicians, which is a significant resource that enables us to enhance our consulting services. Bartlett is also a world-class tree care company that has been in business for over one hundred years. HortScience | Bartlett Consulting will operate independently, but if you have need of tree care, local Bartlett offices are available to provide a full range of tree care services, including pruning and pest management.

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